- Project Manager Salary
- Construction Project Manager
- Adobe Premiere Project Manager
- Adobe Premiere Project Manager Error
The Premiere Pro Project Manager helps facilitate an efficient archiving or transcoding workflow by performing two functions:
Copy media from multiple drives to one drive for a single project in avid media composer? 11 46 comments. Premiere Pro CC keeps crashing on startup. (self.editors) submitted 4 years ago by Zhyo. Program Files Adobe Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2014 32 ImageRenderer.dll Report Id: b569a37c-2acb-11e4-b68b-94de80cec375. Jan 15, 2016 Adobe Premiere Error: An unknown error occurred while saving the project. Select 'Save As' from the File menu to save the project to a new location SOLUTION! I am trying to render a project in Adobe Premiere Pro, but I keep getting a video preview error saying, 'Error - Answered by a verified Software technician.
- Collecting or copying the current project and all of its associated media files to a single location for sharing
- Consolidating files associated with a project for transcoding into a single codec for easy archiving
The Project Manager can help you collect a project to a new location. Collecting files copies the current project and all of its associated media files to a single storage location. There is no conversion of files when the files are copied.
When collecting a project, you can specify whether the new project retains any of the unused clips from the original project. You also reduce storage requirements by using only the media required to create and export the sequences in the project.
You can use this workflow to gather and copy a project’s source media files stored in various locations into a single location for easy sharing.
The Project Manager lets you effectively manage media and projects, especially large projects with many clips and different media formats.
You can easily archive large projects by transcoding all relevant files in projects and sequences into an intermediate or mezzanine codec.
The Project Manager provides several options to consolidate relevant files into a mezzanine codec based on user-defined preferences. While consolidating the files, the Project Manager copies only portions of source footage used in sequences and automatically creates a trimmed project.
You can easily archive this single codec, or share with other teams and systems. At any point, you can re-edit the archived projects in Premiere Pro.
The functionality of the Create New Trimmed Project option, available in previous versions of Premiere Pro, is included the Consolidate And Transcode option. That is, you can choose to trim your media while archiving a project.
In the Project Manager window, under Sequence, select the check box next to each sequence that you want to select. To check all boxes, Shift-click any one box.
Nested sequences are not automatically selected. If the sequences you are selecting contain nested sequences, ensure that you include these nested sequences in your selection.
You can copy or transcode your project by selecting one of the following options:
To collect and copy the footage you used in the selected sequences to a single storage location.
Project Manager does not collect and copy After Effects compositions that are dynamically linked to an Adobe Premiere Pro project. Project Manager does save the Dynamic Link clip in the trimmed project as an offline clip, however.
To consolidate the footage you used in the selected sequences and transcode into a single codec for archiving.
- Match: Match the settings of the newly created media with the sequence settings, individual clip settings, or presets.
Uses the frame size, frame rate, field type, and pixel aspect ratio of the selected sequence, and transcodes the matching clips to these settings.
Clips that don't match these settings are only copied and not transcoded.
Uses the frame size, frame rate, field type, and pixel aspect ratio of each individual clip in the sequence, and transcodes them using their individual settings.
When the source cannot be matched, the clip is only copied and not transcoded. For example, if the clip contains an attribute that the chosen format or preset does not support.
Uses the frame size, frame rate, field type, and pixel aspect ratio of the chosen preset and transcodes all clips to these settings.
When the sources cannot be matched, the clips are only copied and not transcoded.
- Format: You can choose from MXF OP1a files, MXF OP1a files in DNXHD format, or QuickTime format.
- Preset: Based on the selected format, the applicable preset options appear.
The only preset that supports alpha is the GoPro CineForm With Alpha preset. All other presets flatten any alpha channel.
- Match: Match the settings of the newly created media with the sequence settings, individual clip settings, or presets.
Premiere Pro creates a new project file that links to the selected media based on the following options.
The options that are available depend on the optionyou choose in the previous step.
Specifies that Project Manager will not include, or copy, mediayou did not use in the original project.
Specifies the number of additional frames to retain before the In point and after the Out point of each transcoded clip. You can set a value from 0 to 999 frames.
For example, a value of 30 means that 30 frames are retained before the In point, and 30 frames are retained after the Out point. Handles function as extra frames that allow for additional minor adjustments to the edits in the new project.
Ensures that the audio you conformed in the originalproject remains conformed in the new project. When not selected,the new project occupies less disk space, but Premiere Pro conformsthe audio again when you open the project. This option is availableonly if you select Collect Files And Copy To New Location.
Specifies that Project Manager converts a sequence of still-image files into a single video clip. Where, each still image becomes one frame of video. Selecting this option often improves playback performance.
Specifies that effects you rendered in the original project remainrendered in the new project. When not selected, the new project occupiesless disk space, but the effects are not rendered. This option isavailable only if you select Collect Files And Copy To New Location.
Renames the copied footage files with the same names as your captured clips. Select this option if you rename your captured clips from within the Project window and want the copied footage files to have the same name. (Captured files that you import, especially those captured using scene detection, may not have intuitive names, so you may want to rename them from within the Project window.) This option ensures that the filename of the actual captured footage is updated to reflect the new name in the Project window, greatly simplifying the organization of your footage files. Selecting this option for an MXF file will not change the User Clip Name in the file’s XML; however, it will change the filename of the clip copied for the trimmed project to match the clip name shown in the project panel.
Converts any After Effects compositions in your project into flattened video clips.
If your project contains dynamically linked After Effects compositions, selecting this option flattens the composition into a video clip. The advantage of selecting this option is that you can play back the converted video clips even on systems that don't have After Effects installed.
Once you flatten the compositions into video clips, you cannot edit the original compositions in the newly created project. You can however edit the original compositions in the source project using Dynamic Link.
Designates where Project Manager saves the files you specified. Click Browse to navigate to a location other than the default.
When copying a project, Project Manager creates a folder named “Copied_[Project Name]” and copies the project, footage files, and other specified files into the folder.
When consolidating a project for transcoding, Project Manager creates a folder named 'Transcoded_[Project Name]” and saves the project, footage files, and other specified files into the folder.
If a folder already exists in the same location with a name identical to the project you are copying or transcoding, Project Manager appends a number to the name. For example, identically named successive projects may have appendages of “_001, _002, _003, _004,....”
Displays a comparison between the size of the current project’s files and the estimated size of the copied or consolidated files. Click Calculate to update the estimate.
When copying files or consolidating files for transcoding, the Project Manager does not produce a P2-compliant MXF file structure for media files that came from a P2 source.
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'Error compiling movie. Unknown error' when rendering or exporting
The error can be followed by this message:
'Sorry, a serious error has occurred that requires Adobe Premiere Elements to shut down. We will attempt to save your current project.'
This document is about Adobe Premiere Elements. For a related document about Adobe Premiere Pro, see this page.
Project Manager Salary
Important: Always restart the computer after a problem occurs to refresh its memory. Continuing to work without restarting the computer can compound the problem.
Prerendering the project timeline helps you to detect and eliminate problems with particular project media or effects. If an error or problem occurs when you render the timeline, then troubleshoot the media or effect in the timeline. To render, ensure that the work area selection encompasses the entire timeline and under the Timeline pop-up menu, select Render work area.
If you are working with a file that is different from the rest of your footage, convert the file to the DV AVI format.
- Create an Adobe Premiere Elements project with the same settings as your clip.
- Import only the clip and add it to the timeline/sceneline.
- Click Export & Share and select Devices >Computer >720 X 480 resolution.
- Select AVI format from the Format dropdown list., type in a filename, and choose a location to save the file. Click Save.
- Open your original Premiere Elements project. Under the Project tab, right-click the original file and choose Replace Footage. Select the file created in step 4.

This type of error is commonly caused by a particular clip in your project. Using footage that is different from most of your clips (for example, from a different camera, different format, different codec, different frame size, different frame rate), could be the source of the issue.
If possible, try removing such clips from your timeline or sceneline and render or export your project again.
Troubleshoot footage or assets used in the project.
- Open the project with the issue in Adobe Premiere Elements.
- Save your original project, and create a copy of it called test by choosing File > Save As and renaming the project test.
- In the test project, delete everything in the project from the halfway point to the end
- Click Export & Share tab and select Disc. Select the DVD or Blu-ray settings you want, select Disc from the Type dropdown list, and then click Burn:
- If the error happens again, repeat Steps 2, 3 and 4, testing again with the other (first) half of the content from the timeline.
- If the error no longer occurs, add back the clips that you removed in small groups and test after each addition. When the error happens again, one of the most recent clips added back to the timeline is the cause.
- Once you identify the problem clip, return to your original project and remove or replace the problem clip or file.
- Save the corrected version of the project and export it to DVD or Blu-ray disc.
Remove all of the following video effects from long clips:
- Auto Levels
- Auto Color
- Auto Contrast
- Shadow/Highlight
Auto Levels, Auto Color, Auto Contrast, and Shadow/Highlight are modified effects from Adobe Photoshop.
To remove a video effect, do the following:
1. Select the clip on the timeline/sceneline. Click Edit > Applied Effects panel to open it.
2. Click the Eye to disable the effect or right-click (Ctrl+click) the effect and choose Clear.
Quit any applications that could be interfering with the render process
Construction Project Manager
If you are using GPU (your video adapter) based effects and transitions (all 3D effects and transitions use the GPU), then make sure that you do not use other GPU intensive applications. (Don't use video games, screen savers, and so on.) Do not allow your system to be locked or hibernate while rendering the timeline or during export.

If you have customized your Share settings to use a third-party codec (changed by using the Advanced button of the Share settings), try exporting using one of Adobe Premiere Elements built-in presets.
The Auto Save feature could interfere with the export process. Turn it off if you are experiencing problems when you export to your hard disk, DVD, or tape.
Adobe Premiere Project Manager
To disable Auto Save, do the following:
Adobe Premiere Project Manager Error
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