The objective of this article is to present some of the results obtained in a study where the relatives of patients, who died of cancer, were interviewed. We are aware of the burdens these relatives experience. The intention of the study was to acquire more knowledge of how healthprofessionals can support the relatives of patients dying of cancer.
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Data were collected by semistructured interviews of 15 relatives of patients who died of cancer, in hospital or in their own homes. The interviews were audiotaped and transcribed. Constant comparative analysis was used to find recurrent themes.
The results of this study show that communication with relatives, and their feeling of being given support, depends on adequate pain management. On the other hand the results also show that the face to face meetings between relatives and healthprofessionals are extremely important. The nature of the meetings may have major impact on the way relatives prosess thoughts and feelings related to serious disease and death. Care and dialogue instead of monologue seems to influence the degree to which the relatives experience support and obtain the role of participants instead of spectators in terminal care.
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