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Rust Game Information
Game Name: Rust
Genre: Action-adventure, Survival, Adult-themed
Developer(s): Facepunch Studios
Publisher(s): Steam Early Access
Platform(s): Microsoft Windows, OS X, Linux
Release date(s): December 11, 2013
Rating: PEGI : Mature 17+
Mode(s): Single-player, multiplayer
Rust System Requirements (PC)
- OS: Windows 7 64bit
- Processor: 2 ghz
- Memory: 8 GB RAM
- DirectX: Version 9.0
- Storage: 8 GB available space
Rust PC Download
Rust is an open world massively multiplayer survival game designed by Facepunch Studios. It was inspired by DayZ, Minecraft, and STALKER.
With Rust Free Download you will get to experience a game that allows players to be free in playing the way they want. Players could choose to survive by working with friends and strangers to scavenge for supplies and build gigantic bases, or they could play alone and kill others for their supplies.
In order to have certain items with Rust Download Free the player must learn how to craft them. Each item requires certain ingredients to be crafted. The crafting recipes are shown on the games crafting screen. To begin crafting an item, first, the player must select the item they want to craft from the crafting screen.
There is also a spot in Rust Free Download for players to select how many of that item they would like to make. Once the player starts crafting a timer will start counting down the time it is going to take to finish crafting the items. Players are required to have a blueprint for crafting certain items.
In Rust Crack Download Full Version PC there are loot boxes, and NPC characters that have been killed are where players will find blueprints. By using the blueprint the crafting recipe will pop up on the right side of the crafting screen. The recipes obtained through blueprints in Rust free. download full version PC stay with players even after they die.
It is advised that players not be in a dangerous area while crafting as it does slow them down. It disables sprinting and causes the player to move at the speed of crouching which makes you even more vulnerable to attack. Something that helps with that is having a workbench nearby allows for 3x the crafting speed in Rust Free Download with multiplayer.
Among the many enemies that players will encounter in Rust Full Version Free Download, there are bandits. Bandits are players who kill other players for loot or just for fun. They may attack newly spawned players or hunt down and fight strong players for their equipment.
Team-play or P.V.P?
Killing others players is not only allowed, but an integral aspect of Rust. It is not against the rules and is a major facet of Rust Game Free Download Crack’s survival in the wilderness. Bandits usually travel alone or with only one friend because of their aggressiveness. It is not uncommon for bandits to gain a survivors trust before turning on them.
In Rust Crack PC Free Full Version Download bandits can be identified as players who regularly kill other players, raid bases for loot and kills, and lure players into traps. To avoid bandits the player should be careful with camp fires, flares, and flashlights at night. They should also avoid being alone and weak with a base full of supplies in the wild. Playing with friends is a good idea so you have help if your base is ever raided or if you’re attacked by bandits.
Determining if players are friendly or not is difficult in Rust PC Free Download, but there are a few things that help reveal what kind of player someone is. If you are busy crafting or gathering resources and are approached by a player that does not attack, they are probably friendly because they didn’t attempt to raid you during a vulnerable situation.
If a player gives you expensive or rare items such as blueprints, hatchets, leather clothing, or weapons, they are most likely your friend in Rust PC Download Free Crack Full Version. However, bandits are known for gaining other players trust so they are lead back to your base for a raid, so be careful in who you trust.
Fauna, or animal life, found in Rust Free Download include rabbits, deer, chicken, pigs, bears, and wolves. By killing these animals various drops are gained by the player to be used for crafting and such. Rabbits give the player one chicken breast and one to three cloth with a one hit kill. Rabbits are one of Rust Free Download passive animals.
Chickens are also a one hit kill when hit with a hatchet or a pickaxe. When killed a chicken will drop two chicken breasts and one cloth. It is super easy to kill chickens because their AI causes them to run when they are attacked, but they are slow.
Killing deer takes a bit more skill but it’s worth it, they drop up to ten chicken breast and ten cloth. A deer can either be killed in four hits with a rock or just two hits with a bow.
The deer AI in Rust Free Download will cause the deer to run away a small distance upon being hit and they run faster than the player can sprint so at the point the player will need a melee weapon to complete the kill. Other than running when they are attacked deer only react if a player is sprinting or walking towards it, but they are still easy to sneak up on when crouching.
One of the easiest animals to kill in Download Rust Free PC Full Version Crack for the most loot is the boar. A boar can be killed by five hits with a rock or two shots from a bow. They are gentle animals that do not attack even when they are being hit, so they are the easiest prey for food, and they drop six cloth and up to eight chicken breast.
Bears are one of the extremely aggressive animals found in the forest in Rust download free. full Version PC Crack. To kill a bear it takes either ten hit with a hatchet, a bullet from a shotgun, or three arrow shot from a bow. The loot gained from slaying bears includes ten raw chicken breast, eight pieces of cloth, ten blood- tems, and possibly leather.
If you can’t kill it you need to run away because bears will attack if a player gets too close. It would be best to either run until the bear loses you, or hop onto a raised surface because bears cannot climb foundations.
Another aggressive animal found in Rust Crack Free Full Version PC Download is the wolf. Wolves will attack players that get near them so to kill them it takes two shots from a bow, four shots from a pistol or gun, or one shot with a shotgun.
Getting away from a wolf that is after you involves either running until they lose you or jumping onto an elevated surface, because just like the bears they also can’t climb foundations in Rust Free Download. A wolf drops eight chicken breast, twenty cloth, and three blood.
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All of the items dropped from fauna can be used to benefit players. For example, the chicken is a source of food that will fill up the hunger bar, thus preventing starvation. The cloth is an ingredient used in various crafting recipes. Blood is used to help up the player’s health in Rust Free Download.
Materials, mining and resources
Materials for crafting in Rust Crack Free Download are gathered by mining large and small mineral rocks. By swinging at a mineral rock with any tool two to four metal ore, a few sulfur, and four stones are mined away from the rock with each hit. Mining with a pickaxe rather than any other tool in Rust PC download full version PC will decrease the amount of times the rock needs to be hit for it to be completely mined.
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The resource of wood can be mined by cutting down trees but also from wood piles. Each swing at a pile of wood drops large amounts of wood. This is a quicker method for gathering wood rather than chopping down trees. The amount of wood dropped for each swing varies on the tool the player is using in Rust PC download free. full Version.
A rock gives seven pieces of wood, a stone hatchet fives seven as well, a hatchet gives ten, and a pickaxe gives twenty pieces. Although the pickaxe gives the player the highest amount of wood, it also swings much slower than either of the hatchets.
Items, inventory and weapons
Rust Free Download is similar to Minecraft, so obviously it has a great amount of items found throughout the game. All of the items can be split up into armor, weapons, weapon mods, medical supplies, food, and structure, survival, tools, resources, and loot. Since Rust Free Download is a multiplayer survival game it is important for players to defend themselves.
This is where the armor comes in and there are multiple types of armor. There are four pieces of armor in Rust Free Download that each protect a part of the player’s body. The helmet protects the head, the vest protects the chest, the pants guard the legs, and the boots protect the legs. A full set of armor can be made out of various materials including cloth, Kevlar, leather, and radiation. Even with armor an enemy can kill you can steal all of your resources so weapons are important for protecting bases and such.
Rust Free Download melee weapons are rocks, stone hatchets, hatchets, pickaxes, and uber hatchets. Each of these weapons are good for swinging at things you are chasing whether it be another player or an animal. If your target moves to fast that’s where the long distance weapons are useful.
Rust also offers revolvers, pistols, shotguns, hand cannons, bolt action rifles, and hunting bows. Weapons that can be shot from a long range are best for hunting down animals that flee when hit or for killing a player that you are stalking from a ways away. Silencers are additions for guns that make them quiet as to not attract any unwanted attention from bandits.
Explosive weapons are another option in Rust Free Full Version Download PC and may be good for taking out a group of enemies all at once. Weapon mods are items that can increase the effectiveness of a weapon.
Flashlights make it easier to see targets in the dark of the night. Holo sights and laser sights make it easier to aim guns and hit targets that are far away.
Health and medicine
If a player is attacked by an aggressive animal, greedy player, or gets into a dangerous environmental situation, there are medical supplies to regenerate health in Rust Free Download. Players can heal with bandages, small or large med kits, and ant-radiation pills.
Food and starvation
Starvation can cause a player death so food is necessary. Hunting animals is a reliable source of food because they all drop raw chicken breast which can be cooked to make cooked chicken breast. Other foods found in Rust Free Download are cans of tuna, granola bars, small rations, bottles of water, chocolate bars, and cans of beans.
Structures and base
Structures are the buildings that players use for shelter that provide both protection and storage. The different items that make up a structure are the foundation, pillars, walls, a doorway, window, stairs, a ramp, ceiling, doors, a gateway, and gates. Each of these parts can be crafted separately with Rust Free Download to come together and form a nearly indestructible base.
Rust Download Full Version PC Crack is a survival game so if you die you want to respawn in your base with supplies so you don’t have to start all over! Therefore it is important to ensure that you have a stable base containing the main supplies which you need.
Just like the armor, structures can be crafted with different materials including wood and metal. Metal structures are harder to destroy compared to wooden structures. Miscellaneous parts that can be built for increased defenses are barricades, spike walls, and metal window bars. Wooden storage boxes can be placed in a player’s base to store extra materials and resources; each stores up to twelve item slots.
The typical, essential survival items in Rust are a small stash, furnace, workbench, camp fire, sleeping bag, and bed.
A small stash is three item storage unit that appears to be a small sack. It is easily hidden but it becomes invisible to the player until they are nearby so it’s important to remember where you place it. It also decays in a short amount of time unless placed on a wooden foundation. The furnace, another survival item, smelts metals and can also make leather if cloth is put inside, it does not cook food though.
A workbench is required to craft certain items and it will tell which items need it on the crafting screen. Camp fires are where the player’s raw food is cooked. In Rust Download camp fires also give off heat, light, and safety because it provides a comfort bonus which slows down hunger and increases the regeneration of health.
Beds and sleeping bags both create a respawn point for the player that placed it. The only difference between a bed and a sleeping bag is that a bed cannot be picked up after it has been placed.
Rust Crack Download
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The Full Version Rust Download for Free is now available exclusively! Enjoy this legendary multiplayer game with your friends! This survival game which will really make you reconsider games of this genre. Other similar “survival games” online include H1Z1, DayZand Evolve. And, kind of Gmod (which can have survival elements… as you basicallyvcan do whatever the hell you want). Also play survival games like FNAF 4, Resident Evil 6and finally Minecraft.