Liam Howlett returns with his first album since 1997's smash Fat of the Land was hailed by mainstream media as the future of 'electronica.' Kool Keith, Juliette Lewis, Princess Superstar, and brother-in-law Liam Gallagher guest.
A handful of industry insiders and media outlets expected The Prodigy's third album, 1997's The Fat of the Land, to alter America's pop landscape. Those prognosticators were correct: The album (which, fact fans, debuted at #1 in the same week that Radiohead's OK Computer bowed at #21) was a significant modern rock signpost, albeit not for the expected reasons. At the time, The Prodigy had been billed-- along with the Chemical Brothers, Orbital, and Underworld-- as the leaders of the mainstream media's regretfully named 'electronica' movement, a moment in which electronic dance music was going to finally crossover to MTV and radio in the U.S.
However, instead of inspiring you and your band to trade in your guitars for turntables, The Prodigy-- along with unlikely and otherwise unrelated contemporaries such as Korn, Nine Inch Nails, and Rage Against the Machine-- laid the groundwork for the string of mostly limp rap-rock/nu-metal bands that dominated modern rock throughout the late 1990s and into the new millennium. In retrospect, The Prodigy may not have become America's Great Electronic Hopes but 'Firestarter' could be the world's greatest nu-metal single, a rousing anthem for the Mook Era that was unfortunately taken to heart at Woodstock '99, the abandoned festival that served as rap-rock's peak in popularity and its cultural nadir.
Always Outnumbered, Never Outgunned The Prodigy. The Prodigy The Prodigy are an English electronic dance music group formed by Liam Howlett in 1990 in Braintree, Essex, England. Along with Fatboy Slim, the Chemical Brothers, and other acts, The Prodigy have been credited as pioneers of the big beat genre, which achieved mainstream popularity in. The Prodigy - Always Outsiders, Never Outdone (Remix Album) by UK_Steve84 published on 2010-11-16T10:26:31Z The Prodigy's album Always Outnumbered, Never Outgunned.totally remixed This is still freely available, i found it ages back and stuck it on my iPod.i just thought i would put it up here and see if anyone's interested. The Prodigy's new album, Always Outnumbered, Never Outgunned, was released in August through XL Records. Described by the label as 'a trashy, adrenalised, sleaze-funk masterpiece', it has a very different feel to Fat Of The Land.
OK Computer, 'electronica,' Rage Against the Machine, Woodstock '99-- it may seem like ancient history, but that divide is the uphill battle The Prodigy face after a seven-year gab between records. The good news is that calling the band 'they' is more misleading now than it has been in recent years: The Prodigy's fourth album, Always Outnumbered, Never Outgunned, is mostly the work of musical linchpin Liam Howlett. Dancer Leeroy Thornhill left the group years ago, and neither Maxim Reality nor Keith Flint is featured here. Flint's bleating on The Prodigy's 2002 comeback single 'Baby's Got a Temper'-- a cringe-worthy attempt at provocation (it's an ode to 'date-rape drug' Rohypnol) that is thankfully not included-- may have been his final bow with the group.
Instead, vocals are provided by Kool Keith, Princess Superstar, and Juliette Lewis (among others), a roster that hints that the seven-year wait between records is less a result of going back to the drawing board as it is trying to coax a finished product from years-old ideas. (One could add Liam Gallagher to that list of past-their-sell-date vocalists, but as Howlett's brother-in-law his appearance could be as much a familial decision as a musical one.) Of the guests, only an underutilized Twista lends the album an air of timeliness.
Prodigy Always Outnumbered Never
Even more disappointingly, Always Outgunned is a mess of unfocused energy and uncomfortably irrelevant sonics, an odd mix of cartoonish immediacy and tired youth-cult ideas that would be the perfect soundtrack to Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie: The Movie. The results are even more regrettable because they're coming from Howlett, whose string of singles and first two albums with The Prodigy are still crucial and enthralling.
Howlett's run of solid singles does remain intact with 'Girls', a delicious red herring of electro and breakbeats that stands head, shoulders and torso above the rest of the album. It leads into Princess Superstar collab 'Memphis Bells' and 'Get Up Get Off', the next closest things to album highlights. The latter features the yeoman-like Twista, who wisely slows his cadence rather than being tempted to race alongside BPMs which-- although hardly pummeling-- are much higher than, say, a Kanye West or R. Kelly production.
Never Outgunned
'Hotride'-- one of two Lewis collaborations-- is a heavy-handed re-imagination of The Fifth Dimension's 'Up, Up & Away' (no, really) that aims for sexual but simply isn't sexy. Howlett also reaches back into the 1960s on 'Phoenix', which liberally samples of The Shocking Blue's 'Love Buzz', a vain, lifeless attempt to rub shoulders with the current wave of retro 60s garage rock. It's perhaps the record's most telling moment: long-time innovator Howlett aligning himself with the most necrophiliac elements of contemporary rock. The record's ungainly, knuckle-dragging nu-metal trappings overshadow any other pleasant sonic accoutrements-- the bassline from 'Thriller' that loops throughout much of 'The Way It Is' or the playful, subtle beats of 'Memphis Bells'.
'Your time is running out,' Liam Gallagher sneers on album closer 'Shoot Down', and it's unfortunately a fair warning for The Prodigy themselves. For a record that presumably took seven years to create, Always Outnumbered sounds unsurprisingly outdated but oddly lazy. Perhaps if Howlett officially disbands The Prodigy he can rediscover freedom and inspiration recording under his own name or another moniker, but if this 'it goes to 11' take on rap-rock is all he's managed to digest and engage with during his absence, it's possible he needn't bother.
Back to homeThe Prodigy's main man, Liam Howlett, said in an interview that usual bandmembers Keith Flint and Maxim weren't on the new album because this is a back-to-the-core record, one to find the soul of the Prodigy (dancer Leeroy Thornhill left the band years ago -- losing your dancer, always crippling). For anyone rooting for the band, it sounded like a good deal. Howlett came off as a mad beat scientist of great genius on his goin'-it-alone CD The Dirtchamber Sessions, Vol. 1, rockin' the beats with mad style and blowing the dust off Babe Ruth's 'The Mexican' just to prove how he was cooler than you. It was a sweet mix, but then nothing -- and then it got worse. But at least Howlett himself called 2002's dull 'Baby's Got a Temper' single an F'n piece of S. Seems like he was well aware things were going wrong and has gotten himself back on the right track, so let's all go nuts for Prodigy again. Twiddling the knobs and making noises fly every which way, Howlett is working hard throughout Always Outnumbered, Never Outgunned and with clean, punch-in-the-gut bass like this, there isn't a better record to sell those gigantic, 'you'll have to take your backseat out' kickboxes. But take someone who just barely follows electronic music, tell him or her this is an everyday KMFDM record, and they'll fall for it. Nothing against KMFDM. They've got their rightfully sleazy place, but this is the Prodigy and Always Outnumbered is just loud workout music for the jilted generation. Lyrics? Try 'Gimme! gimme! gimme!' and 'You got to push it!' Not that 'Change my picture/Smack my bitch up' was brilliant, but it was incongruous enough to have you going, 'why do I keep singing this?' There's an inspired list of guest stars on this album -- Princess Superstar, Kool Keith, Liam Gallagher, Twista, Juliette Lewis -- but either their voices are so filtered it could be anyone or they're given nothing more to do than yell 'go, man, go.' Howlett had been all 'I've got something to prove with this' in the press, but very little of that spirit comes through on the album. 'Girls' is a good electro roller and steps ahead of 'Baby's Got a Temper,' while the surprisingly different and slinky 'Phoenix' is proof Howlett hasn't totally lost it. Plus, you're bound to fall for at least one of the generic fist-pumpers. They do have that whipping sting in the tail of which Howlett is the master. That's barely enough for five years of waiting and hardly up to the old standard. That Always Outnumbered is no good reason for teens to put the Playstation controller down and rejoin the mainstream techno revolution is disappointing. As crazy as those glowstick kids could be, Prodigy concerts should have more than boring old farts who don't dance standing around. There's little of that rebellious and over-the-top excitement here, and that's bad news for those on the fringe of Prodigy fandom.
Prodigy Always Outnumbered Never Outgunned Rar

Sample | Title/Composer | Performer | Time | Stream |
1 | 05:07 | |||
2 | 04:07 | |||
3 | 04:28 | |||
4 | 04:19 | |||
5 | 04:36 | |||
6 | 04:56 | |||
7 | 05:32 | |||
8 | 06:08 | |||
9 | 04:38 | |||
10 | 03:56 | |||
11 | 05:46 | |||
12 | 04:32 | |||
13 | 06:57 |