<ul><li><p>CIC Names Champion</p><p>Crane Operators18</p><p>Inside</p><p>Smart Tactics Preserve</p><p>Tracks52</p><p>Kobelco Regains Footing</p><p>in North America41</p><p>Construction firms added jobs in 38 statesbetween January 2013 and January 2014,while 27 states experienced constructionemployment gains between December andJanuary, according to an analysis March 17 bythe Associated General Contractors ofAmerica of Labor Department data.Association officials said the fact so manystates added construction jobs for the year andmonth despite harsh winter conditions in</p><p>many parts of the country is a sign thatdemand appears to be recovering.Especially considering the fact many parts</p><p>of the country experienced very harsh weatherin January, these construction jobs figures areparticularly robust, said Ken Simonson, theassociations chief economist. Yet some ofthese gains will be at risk if federal transporta-tion funding comes to halt this summer as pre-dicted.</p><p>Kansas led all states with a 10.7 percent rise(5,900 jobs) in construction employmentbetween January 2013 and January 2014.Other states adding a high percentage of newconstruction jobs for the year included Oregon(9.4 percent, 6,600 jobs); Florida (9.2 percent,32,700 jobs); Minnesota (9.2 percent, 8,900jobs) and Alaska (9.1 percent, 1,500 jobs).Florida added the most jobs for the year,</p><p>Job Numbers Robust, Despite Harsh Weather</p><p>see JOBS page 120</p><p>ConExpo-Con/AGG and IFPE 2014 took center stage in Las Vegas March 4 to8 with tremendous energy and serious buyers. Total registration of 129,364soared past the last edition of the shows as they achieved the second-highestattendance in their history. The shows also set new records for exhibit space, numberof exhibitors and education tickets sold. The co-located ConExpo-Con/AGG and IFPE, at the Las Vegas (USA)</p><p>Convention Center, delivered a global showcase of the newest product innovationsand technologies for the construction, construction materials and fluid power/powertransmission/motion control industries with more than 1,000 new products andservices on display.</p><p>see CONEXPO page 30</p><p>ConExpo Breaks Records in Vegas</p><p>Table of Contents ......4</p><p>Truck & Trailer Section ...................59-63</p><p>Recycling Section ..67-91</p><p>Attachment & PartsSection ........105-109</p><p>Business Calendar ...110</p><p>Auction Section .114-125</p><p>Advertisers Index ....126</p><p>Viva La Industry</p><p>W To470 Maryland Drive Ft. ashington, PA 19034 215/885-2900 ll Free 800-523-2200 Fax 215/885-2910 www.ConstructionEquipmentGuide.comThe Nations Best Read Construction Newspaper Founded 1957.</p><p>NortheastEdition</p><p>$3.00</p><p>March 26, 2014 Vol. LIV No.7 470 Maryland Drive Ft. Washington, PA 19034 215-885-2900 Toll Free 800-523-2200 Fax 215-885-2910</p><p>www.constructionequipmentguide.comPublished Nationally</p></li><li><p>Page 2 March 26, 2014 www.constructionequipmentguide.com CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE</p><p>RANSOME CAT 888.819.0894 www.ransome.com/used</p><p>Dan Weaver Grason Jones 888.819.0894 www.ransome.com/used</p><p>2012 CAT 302.5C259 Hours </p><p>2010 CAT 314DLCRPOB 1,860 Hours </p><p>2008 CAT D3KXL 1,517 Hours </p><p>2010 CAT 303.5CCR920 Hours </p><p>2011 CAT 305.5DCR 1,027 Hours </p><p>2008 CAT 315DL 1,928 Hours </p><p>2007 CAT 345CL6,142 Hours </p><p>2011 CAT 430EIT 765 Hours </p><p>2010 CAT 966H 5,049 Hours </p><p>08.918.888NSAR </p><p>snar.www 44 908T CA ATEMONS </p><p>desu/omc.omesT </p><p>259 Hours T 302.5C2012 CA AT 302.5C</p><p>920 Hours T 303.52010 CA AT 303.5CCR</p><p>T 303.5CCR1,027 Hours 2011 CA</p><p>1,027 Hours T 305.5DCR CA AT 305.5DCR </p><p>, Leveling Blade, GP Bucket Couplerr, Leveling Blade, GP Bucket ID# CR30262, Cab, AC, Aux Hydraulics, Quick $34,000 </p><p>1,860 Hours T 314DLCRPOB 2010 CA AT 314DLCRPOB </p><p>ID# CR30262, Cab, AC, Aux Hydraulics, Quick Leveling Blade, GP Bucket ID# CR30244, Cab, AC, Aux Hydraulics, $35,000 </p><p>1,928 Hours T 315D 2008 CA AT 315DL </p><p>Leveling Blade, GP Bucket ID# CR30244, Cab, AC, Aux Hydraulics, </p><p>Leveling Blade, GP Bucket ID# CR30247, Cab, AC, Aux Hydraulics, $49,000 </p><p>T 315DL 6,142 Hours 2007 CA</p><p>Leveling Blade, GP Bucket ID# CR30247, Cab, AC, Aux Hydraulics, $49,000 </p><p>6,142 Hours T 345CL CA AT 345CL</p><p> , Leveling Blade, GP Bucket Quick Coupler</p><p>Boom, ID# CR30254, Cab, AC, Power Offset $115,000 </p><p> , Leveling Blade, GP Bucket </p><p>Boom, , Mechanical Thumb, GP Bucket Coupler</p><p>ID# CR30087, Cab, AC, Aux Hydraulics, Quick $105,000 </p><p> , Mechanical Thumb, GP Bucket </p><p>ID# CR30087, Cab, AC, Aux Hydraulics, Quick Counterweight Removal System, GP Bucket ID# HR3188, Cab, AC, Quick Coupler$140,000 </p><p> Counterweight Removal System, GP Bucket </p><p>, ID# HR3188, Cab, AC, Quick Coupler$140,000 </p><p>1,517 Hours T D3KXL 2008 CA AT D3KXL </p><p>765 Hours T 430EI 2011 CA AT 430EIT </p><p>T 430EIT 5,049 Hours 2010 CA</p><p>5,049 Hours T 966H CA AT 966H </p><p>aD</p><p>onsaGr erave Wna</p><p>T Blade, 16 ShoesAID# CR30083, Cab, AC, P$65,000 </p><p>18.888 seon Jon</p><p>T Blade, 16 ShoesControl, Aux Hydraulics, GP Bucket ID# MN3174, Cab, AC, 4WD, E-Stick, Ride $99,000 </p><p>r.www 4 908.91</p><p>Control, Aux Hydraulics, GP Bucket ID# MN3174, Cab, AC, 4WD, E-Stick, Ride </p><p>Bucket, Fresh Paint ID# HR3198, Cab, AC, Ride Control, GP $199,000 </p><p>esu/omc.omesnar</p><p>Bucket, Fresh Paint ID# HR3198, Cab, AC, Ride Control, GP $199,000 </p><p>de</p><p>SOLDSOLD</p></li><li><p>CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE www.constructionequipmentguide.com March 26, 2014 Page 3</p><p>WHATS NEW AT BINDER?</p><p>Corporate Headquarters: 2820 Hamilton Blvd </p><p>South Plainfield, NJ 07080908-561-9000</p><p>South Jersey Branch: 201 North Route 73 </p><p>Winslow Township, NJ 08095856-767-5900</p><p>Visit our new website @www.bindermachinery.comFor all our new features </p><p>and direct links to our </p><p>manufacturers product pages.</p><p>2003 DEERE 160C LC, S/N: 44157, 6345 Hrs., 28 Steel Tracks, 36 Bucket, 96 Arm,</p><p>Mechanical Thumb, A/C $53,500</p><p>2011 HAMM HD110VV S/N: H1850099, Hrs. 293,DeutzDiesel, ROPS, 66 Drums, Cleaned & Serviced, $85,000</p><p>S/N: 60609, 114 Hrs, 24 Tracks, 108Blade, Cab w/A/C $118,500</p><p>2002 INGERSOLL-RAND DD-30 SN:172305, 3389 Hrs,Back-Up Alarm, Work Lights, Vandal $25,000</p><p>2008 KOMATSU PC270 LC-8LF SN A87230,1755 Hours, Komatsu Engine, 32 Tracks. A/C, </p><p>60 L/F & 60 Ditching Bucket</p><p>2001 KOMATSU PC600 LC-6A S/N: 11031, 11910 Hrs.,36 Tracks, 11 Arm, A/C, Coupler, 66 Bkt.$135,000</p><p>1997 KOMATSU D155AX-3 S/N: 60542, 6698 Hrs, 26 Tracks, Cab w/ A/C, Semi-U Blade </p><p>COMPLETE REBUILD, $320,000</p><p>(2) 2007 HAMM 3205 Rollers Deutz Diesel Engine, 54Drums, ROPS, Cleaned & Serviced, Ready to Work.</p><p>(2) 2007 HAMM 3307s Rollers, Deutz Diesel Engines,66 Drum, ROPS., Cleaned & Serviced, Ready for Work.</p><p>FOR PRICING OR MORE INFORMATIONCALL: 888-460-7983</p><p>JIM CASENDINO - Used Equipmentjcasendino@bindermachinery.com---------------------------------------</p><p>South Plainfield, New Jersey</p><p>2005 INGERSOLL-RAND DD138HFA S/N: 179940, 3588 Hrs., ROPS, HID Lights, 84 Drums, </p><p>Cleaned & Serviced. $35,000</p><p>2011 KOMATSU D37PX-22</p></li><li><p>Page 4 March 26, 2014 www.constructionequipmentguide.com CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE</p><p>Construction Equipment Guide Northeast Edition (ISSN 1058-787X) is published bi-weekly by Construction EquipmentGuide Ltd. Advertising and Editorial Offices are located at 470 Maryland Dr., Ft. Washington, PA 19034. Toll Free800/523-2200 or Fax 215/885-2910. Annual Subscription Rate $65.00. Call for Canadian and foreign rates.</p><p>Periodicals postage paid at Ft. Washington, PA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changesto Construction Equipment Guide Northeast Edition, 470 Maryland Dr, Ft. Washington, PA 19034.</p><p>Contents Copyrighted 2014, by Construction Equipment Guide, which is a Registered Trademark, registered in theU.S. Patent Office. Registration number 0957323. All rights reserved, nothing may be reprinted or reproduced(includ-ing framing) in whole or part without written permission from the publisher. All editorial material, photographs, draw-ings, letters, and other material will be treated as unconditionally assigned for publication and copyright purposes andare subject to Construction Equipment Guide's unrestricted right to edit and comment editorially. Contributor articlesdo not necessarily reflect the policy or opinions of this publication.</p><p>Call or write for advertising rates, publication schedule and media kit. The Construction Equipment Guide is notresponsible for clerical or printer's errors, every care is taken to avoid mistakes. Photographs of equipment used inadvertisements are not necessarily actual photographs of the specific machine. Similar photographs are used occasion-ally and every effort is taken to depict the actual equipment advertised. The right is reserved to reject any advertising.</p><p>IN THIS ISSUESPECIAL SECTIONRECYCLING, CRUSHING AND SCREENINGBe sure to check out this special section! Keep up to date with the latest information on recycling, crushing and screening.</p><p>FEATURESEXPLOSION SERVES AS REMINDER OF NYCS AGING INFRASTRUCTUREA detailed report issued only a day before the explosion in East Harlemestimates that $47 billion is needed for repairs and replacement over thenext five years to spare New York from havoc. </p><p>CASE CE, GROFF TRACTOR HELP TO EXPAND CPI SERVICESCase CE has partnered with the Central Pennsylvania Institute of Scienceand Technology to launch training programs that are geared specificallytowards the oil and natural gas industry.</p><p>CIC NAMES CHAMPION CRANE OPERATORS IN SKILL COMPETITIONOrlando and Chicago area crane operators took the top spots at the MCM& CIC Crane Operator Skills Championship, held March 6 to 7, 2014, in LasVegas, Nev. </p><p>STEPHENSON EQUIPMENT EXPANDS WITH POTAINIGO T 130 SELF-ERECTING CRANEDennis Heller, president and CEO of Stephenson, said that the company willfirst use the Igo T 130 as a rental crane to help expand its reach in newterritories before it goes up for sale to customers.</p><p>IEDA HOLDS ANNUAL EVENT FEB. 15 TO 18 AT OMNIRESORTS IN CHAMPIONSGATEThe IEDA leaders and membership pride themselves on being reputable,highly qualified professionals in the used equipment marketplace. </p><p>GARY DAVIS SMITH PASSES AT 54Construction Equipment Company Founder Gary Davis Smith, 54, of LakeOswego, died Feb. 22, surrounded by his friends and family.</p><p>EXPERIENCED TEAM DRIVES FIRST YEAR SUCCESSFOR KOBELCOThe signing of more than 50 dealers in its first six months drove a significant demand for Kobelco excavators, a demand that has helped thecompany regain market share within its first year of independent operation.</p><p>40</p><p>34</p><p>24</p><p>18</p><p>14</p><p>8</p><p>67</p><p>110 BUSINESS CALENDAR112 CLASSIFIEDS114 COMING AUCTIONS116 CROSSWORD</p><p>EQUIPMENT62 OX BODIES Trail Ox Series105 BOBCAT 35PH, 50OH Planetary Augers</p><p>NORTHEAST EDITIONCirculated Throughout New Hampshire Vermont Connecticut </p><p> Rhode Island New York New Jersey Delaware Maine Pennsylvania Maryland/D.C. Virginia West Virginia Massachusetts</p><p>Founder, Publisher & CEO Edwin M. McKeon Sr.Northeast Publisher Edwin M. McKeon Jr.</p><p>Editor In Chief Craig Mongeau Associate Editor Christine Reckner</p><p>Editorial Consultant Pete Sigmund Production Mgr. John Pinkerton</p><p>Controller Tom WeinmannCirculation Mgr. Cathy Printz</p><p>Main office 470 Maryland Drive Fort Washington, PA 19034</p><p>215/885-2900 Toll Free 800/523-2200</p><p>Fax 215/885-2910Web site www.constructionequipmentguide.com</p><p>Editorial e-mail editorial@cegltd.comAdvertising e-mail production@cegltd.com</p><p>For advertising rates: Contact Edwin M. McKeon Jr. New Jersey Eastern Pennsylvania Northern Maryland Delaware215/885-2900</p><p>Toll Free 800/523-2200Fax 215/885-2910</p><p>e-mail tmckeon@cegltd.com</p><p>Contact Kent Hogeboom New York New England Northern Pennsylvania315/866-1423</p><p>Toll Free 800/988-1203Fax 315/866-1379</p><p>e-mail khogeboom@cegltd.com</p><p>Contact Ed Bryden West Virginia Western Pennsylvania 440/268-9690</p><p>Toll Free 800/810-7640Fax 440/268-9691</p><p>e-mail ebryden@cegltd.com</p><p>Contact Bob Buckley National Central Pennsylvania518/863-4100</p><p>Toll Free 800/992-7116Fax 518/863-7100</p><p>e-mail bbuckley@cegltd.com</p><p>4024</p><p>14</p><p>18</p><p>40</p><p>67</p><p>Mobile LinkedIn Facebook Twitter YouTube</p><p>To read these s tories and many more, vis it w w w .construct ionequipmentguide.com</p></li><li><p>CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE www.constructionequipmentguide.com March 26, 2014 Page 5</p><p>2008 EC360C: with 4,800 hours and 2011LaBounty MSD3000 with less than 100 hours</p><p>$265,000</p><p>FRENCHTOWN BRANCH847 State Route 12</p><p>Frenchtown, NJ 08825</p><p>(908) 218-1919</p><p>LIONVILLE BRANCH120 Gordon Drive</p><p>Lionville, PA 19341</p><p>(610) 363-9200</p></li><li><p>Page 6 March 26, 2014 www.constructionequipmentguide.com CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE</p></li><li><p>CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE www.constructionequipmentguide.com March 26, 2014 Page 7</p></li><li><p>Page 8 March 26, 2014 www.constructionequipmentguide.com CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT GUIDE</p><p>Explosion Serves as Reminder of NYCs Aging InfrastructureBy David CraryAP NATIONAL WRITER</p><p>NEW YORK (AP) Even while the exactcause remains unknown, a deadly blast thatleveled two Manhattan buildings served by a127-year-old gas main has provided a jarringreminder of just how old and vulnerablemuch of the infrastructure is in New Yorkand many other cities nationwide. A detailed report issued only a day before</p><p>the explosion in East Harlem estimates that$47 billion is needed for repairs and replace-ment over the next five years to spare NewYork from havoc. Nationally, the projected bill for</p><p>bridges, highways, mass transit and more is almost incalculable. Just upgrading thenations water and wastewater systems isprojected to cost between $3 trillion and $5trillion over the next 20 years, according tothe Competitive Enterprise Institute, a con-servative Washington think tank. Politicians often shy away from blunt talk</p><p>about infrastructure, but it was in the spot-light as investigators sought to determinehow and why a suspected natural gas leaktriggered the explosion that destroyed twoapartment buildings, killed at least 7 peopleand injured more than 60. Whether an 1887 cast iron gas main serv-</p><p>ing the buildings was a factor remainedunknown. But it was nonetheless upsettingfor some New Yorkers to be reminded thatConsolidated Edison, the natural gas suppli-er for East Harlem and much of the rest ofNew York, makes extensive use of 19th cen-tury piping. I cant imagine how we can have pipes</p><p>underground in New York that were put inthere in the 1800s, said U.S. Rep. CharlesRangel, a Democrat who represents Harlemin Congress. You know we talk about infra-structure but the whole damn city is fallingapart. Mayor Bill de Blasio, who took office on.</p><p>Jan. 1, said the burden lies with the federalgovernment to provide more aid to U.S.cities for repair and replacement of aginginfrastructure. The broader infrastructure challenge is</p><p>something we address every single day withthe resources we have, but that is a toughbattle considering we are not getting some ofthe support that we deserve, he toldreporters. A New York-based public policy think</p><p>tank, the Center for an Urban Future,released a detailed report about New Yorksinfrastructure, saying it posed problems that</p><p>could wreak havoc on the citys economyand quality of life if left unchecked. It esti-mated that $47.3 billion would be neededover the next five years to make cruciallyneeded repairs and replacements. The reports author, Adam Forman, noted</p><p>that Michael Bloomberg, New Yorks mayorfrom 2002 through 201..</p></li></ul>
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